Wednesday, December 21, 2016

An Amazing Day at the Temple *** Feliz Navidad

We had zone conference this week, which was awesome! 
And we all got to go to the Temple as a zone!
It was so cool and such a great spiritual experience :) 
It was so amazing to have so many missionaries there all at the same time
along with President and Sister Vest. Elder Blake was there too so we took some
sweet pictures and we had a great time! 
I love meeting back up with good friends! 

Saturday there was a lot of snow/rain/ice so President Vest grounded all of our cars. 
So, we walked to Brother Murphy's house to help him out for a little while. 
He has MS and takes his medicine on Fridays which makes him very weak on Saturday. 
We enjoyed making him breakfast, we give him his
shot, and then kept him company for a while. 
Murphy is one of the funniest guys you will meet. 
He is also so loving and kind. What a joy it is to visit him. :D

This week we met two new investigators. 
They are a super cool family that really want change in their life. 
They have been struggling in their marriage and with their kids for the past little while and they
want it to be better….and when we came to their door they were so excited. 
They are so dedicated to changing and they were saying, 
"We know that God sent you here and wants this for us and we are willing to take this path!" 
I’m excited to see where this family goes! :)

We had a few lessons with James this week. 
He really wants to know if he is where God wants him to be. He is torn with leaving his old
church, but he knows what we teach is true. 
He is always so happy when we come by and he says it lifts his spirits. 
He is so sincere about learning more about the gospel and he just wants to
provide for his family.

We met with Charlie again and had a great lesson about faith and reading the scriptures. 
We also took him through one of the presentations at the visitor center 
that talks about the saints pushing through trails. 
He really enjoyed it and I hope he will
continue to act on the things we teach him. :)

We also began teaching a Spanish family! 
I didn’t think I would be able to continue using my Spanish here in Raytown, but
Heavenly Father knows what's up! :) 
The family is super cool and they are really nice. They have met with missionaries in the past and  love the message we bring. They have a few hard situations to get over but
they really want to be baptized. :).

We met with this member that has been going through a really hard
time lately and had moved out of his wife's house about a month ago, but he just recently moved back in! So we went over to talk with him
and he is doing so much better! 
He has committed with his family to make some much needed changes and they are so excited 
to work towards going to the temple to be sealed.

It was funny! During the message we were sharing the Dad stopped us and
was like, "Sorry to take this away from the spiritual side of things, but 
your eyebrows are on fleek!"
Ha-ha ...Apparently he really liked my eyebrows ;p 
It was super funny because of how random it was and I totally didn't expect it! :D 
I love the funny random stuff that happens on my mission! :).

Sunday morning was -4 degrees!!! 
That’s the coldest I have seen it here in Missouri! 
We didn't freeze our toes off or anything so that is good!  Ha-ha :D 

Things are great up here in Raytown! 
I’m lovin it and enduring the cold haha:) 

I hope you all have a wonderful week leading
up to Christmas! 

Feliz Navidad!!

With Love,
Elder Odland

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