I am currently the
only Spanish Speaking District Leader in the
City area so I have the awesome privilege of giving baptismal interviews to all
of the Spanish people in this area.
I am truly thankful
for this amazing experience.
This past week I had
the sacred opportunity of giving baptismal interviews to
a family of 5!
I love the Spanish
people. They are so very nice!
It was so awesome to
see this whole family ready for baptism!
I'm so very excited
for them. :D
Our teaching this
week went well as we enjoyed meeting with Terri, along with a member named
Logan. It had been three weeks since she has been able to meet up with us again
but she said she has been enjoying listening to the Book of Mormon on her phone.
Together we read 3rd Nephi Chapter 11 and introduced the part when Jesus Christ
appeared to the people in the Americas. She thrilled in hearing of this experience
for those people and loves learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I look
forward to meeting with her again next week!
We also had another great
lesson with Mac this week! He is progressing really well and he feeds us
awesome food after our lessons. :-D
Next week after our
lesson they are going to make us some Samoan food!
It is going to be soooo
good! :-d
I also had two
exchanges this week, one with Elder Leishman and one with Elder Christensen.
With Elder Leishman we went with our ward mission leader, Brother Robertson, visiting
several families. Then we had dinner at his house. Our ward mission leader has
12 children! They had the biggest dining table I've ever seen! :-D It
was amazing how well behaved all the children were and we had a very nice time
there. I'm so thankful for all the sweet people who offer to feed us. It is
humbling to experience their kindness and generosity.
It fills my heart and
my stomach!! HaHa
I also enjoyed the exchange
with Elder Christensen where I went up to his area and we had some great
lessons! We taught a new member lesson to an older woman who had recently been
baptized and is super excited to go to the temple after her year mark.
I am happy that she
understands the importance of the temple
and is making it a
priority to go! :)
So for P-day we went
up to the Independence Stake Center and one
of the bishops makes what he calls...."Escape Rooms".
of the bishops makes what he calls...."Escape Rooms".
They are rooms where
you are locked in and there are a bunch of
clues and puzzles you have to solve in order to open the door. The bishop made a
clues and puzzles you have to solve in order to open the door. The bishop made a
bunch of these rooms
all over the building and filled them with various church themed
clues and puzzles. It
was such fun solving these clues and puzzles
in order to break out
of the rooms. :-D
With Love, Elder
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